23 August, 2018

Introduction to Raven

Hi everyone!
My name is Raven. I'm a sophomore Human Health and Biology (Anthropology) and Biology major and a German minor at OU (yeah, it's a lot). I get to take some awesome classes for my majors! In Spring 2017, I took an honors research class about the navigation of scorpions, and my team published a paper about our research in the Journal of Arachnology just this month! This semester, I'm taking another honors research class, this time about forensic entomology. It's also really fun!
I also get to take some really fun anthropology classes. Last term, I took a class about the evolution of primates, and we got to go to the zoo and watch lots of videos about monkeys and lemurs. I loved it.

The mouse lemur. Indisputably the cutest primate. Source

Outside of classes, I have a few hobbies. I love going to concerts. I went to two concerts this summer- Warped Tour 2018, which is a traveling pop-punk festival, and Panic! at the Disco- and I'm planning on going to see my all time favorite band, All Time Low, in Dallas in October (I saw them and got to meet them last summer, so I'm really excited to see them again).

This is my favorite All Time Low song! Source: YouTube

I also really like reading books- my favorite books are the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan, the Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare, and pretty much anything about historical crimes- and playing instruments- I play violin pretty well, flute passably, and piano, bass, and mandolin badly (though I can play most of the big All Time Low songs on mandolin. Badly, but its still something). I love playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends, too- I especially like playing characters that play instruments, so I have an excuse to break out my mandolin skills. Related to D&D, I really love making and wearing fantasy medieval costumes- mostly for the medieval fair, but also sometimes for just wearing to D&D. 

I have one pet, my cat Schrödinger. She likes sleeping, eating, and climbing trees. She also likes hunting birds, but she's really, really bad at it. She lives with my mom in Washington, so I don't get to see her much, but she's the best cat in the world.


  1. Hi Raven!

    What an awesome group of subjects to focus on! Anthropology was a big temptation for me, even though I settled on Microbiology eventually. Isn't forensic entomology how insects are used to establish time of death in criminal investigations? That's amazing we offer that course, and I'm a little sad I didn't get the chance to take it.

    I never got into D&D myself, but getting the chance to use instruments during a game sounds delightful. And how cool to make your own costumes!!!

    Finally, Schrödinger is the perfect name for a cat. Too adorable. I'm looking forward reading your work this semester! Nice to meet you!

  2. Hi Raven!

    That is actually something I never would have thought about (in reference to the navigation of scorpions) but it's awesome that you guys got your paper published!

    I also went to a Panic! At The Disco concert over the summer. Was the one you went to in Tulsa? That's where mine was.

    The Percy Jackson books are fantastic by the way. I read all of them when I was a kid, and really wish they had done a better conversion to film with them.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a cool combination of majors, Raven! And scorpions too: was that with Dr. Gaffin? OU is very famous for scorpions, thanks to him and the people in his lab. And I really like how OU Anthropology covers so many different areas: physical anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, so much good stuff. Did you see the Dungeons and Dragons Storybook that someone did last semester? Maybe you will want to give something like that a try for your own project; here it is: Dungeons and Decisions. And that is so cute about a cat named Schrodinger: ha! Have you see the meme about Mandelbrot and the cats? Totally nerdy joke, but I love it: Mandelbrot's cats :-)

  4. Hi Raven! Sounds like you have a busy college career going! It's cool that you are getting a minor in German. I took German in high school and was absolutely horrible at it, so I can only imagine getting a minor in it at OU. Good luck with all the classes and this semester! Sounds like you will do great!

  5. Hey Raven! I can relate to your love of concerts. I really wanted to go to warped tour this year [as it was the last year ever ): ] but I had a final on the same day. I've never seen a mousse lemur before but they are super cute! I often wished I had taken more science classes while I was here learning at OU, because I definitely would have loved to take an anthropology or zoology class too. + Congratulations on your paper being published in the journal, that is really awesome! :)

  6. Hi Raven! I Also really love concerts! I am so jealous that you saw Panic!, because I am definitely in love with Brendon Urie and I bet he's amazing live. I'm going to see a band called Coin in a few weeks, and I'm super excited about that. It seems like the classes you're taking are really cool, and mine definitely seem boring compared to yours! I also love animals, and that mouse lemur is adorable.

  7. Hey Raven! I love your major and minor combination, as it gives you a full view of the things that make us human, both physically, and through socialization and the cultural norms that have defined our role in this world and in society. Growing up, I absolutely LOVED the Percy Jackson series and my interest in Greek mythology has lingered ever since. I think that I might include some stories in my portfolio from greek mythology just because of that! It seems like you're a very well-rounded person and that shines through your writing. Good luck this semester! :)

  8. Hey Raven! I can not express to you how much I LOVE concerts. Panic at the Disco is one of my favorite bands and Brendon Urie is actually one of the best singers I have ever heard. I love the pictures you've attached as animals are also my favorite and that is why I am also a biology major. I meet a lot of pre-med kids so it is quite refreshing to see a new face!
