28 August, 2018

Reading Options

I have a few directions I am interested in going with my readings. I'm very interested in Celtic mythology, specifically regarding Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, but there seems to be very little in the UnTextbook regarding Celtic mythology. There is a fairly robust collection of fairy tales form the British Isles, though, which I could also work with. I'm also interested in the stories of the Pacific Northwest; I grew up in Oregon, and I heard a lot of the Native American stories from the region when I was little, so I'm interested in reading more about those and seeing how they compare to what I remember. Additionally, I'm curious about the mythology surrounding ravens and crows. They have roles in mythologies from all over the world, and it's interesting to see the similarities and differences in how they're represented in different cultures.

Pacific Northwest
Stories from the Native tribes of the Pacific Northwest, including three stories about Raven.

Celtic Fairytales
Fairytales from the British Isles, most of which I've never read before.

Welsh Fairytales
Fairytales from Wales, featuring a story called "Crows" which is, predictably, about crows.

A raven walking on snow Source

1 comment:

  1. Hi Raven! I am so glad you are interested in Celtic traditions; there are 5 units in the UnTextbook (about half of the British Isles section) which are Celtic: Celtic units (the 2 you found plus several more)... and of course the resources are online are AMAZING; here's the Celtic materials at the Freebookapalooza: you may want to explore there for the Storybook brainstorming that comes up later this week! And of course there are SO MANY ravens and crows everywhere. :-)
